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Hiptodiptocaucus Hits Treetops

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Jan. 8th, 2010

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A new virus has recently surfaced that is causing local medical practitioners great concern. A source close to a woman who lives two doors down from the cousin of a cook who is semi-friends with the daughter of a local Treetops doctor has hinted at a serious new threat facing birds everywhere.

The bizarre nature of this new virus, know locally as Hiptodiptocaucus, is alarming to say the least. While there are absolutely no outward signs of disease, the virus has a virtually endless number of symptoms.

The has uncovered a list of these symptoms that run the gamut of known and unknown complaints. We have supplied a partial list here: continued »

  • Hiptodiptocaucus may cause Canadian citizenship
  • It is known to incite hiccups and hysteria in earthworms
  • It inhibits the ability to sign checks
  • It is known to accelerate inebriation in rabbits
  • It brings on Woodstock bad acid flashbacks
  • It has already caused serious Visa credit card "maxing"
  • It forces infected victims to text in Russian.
  • It turns Republicans into sanctimonious… wait, that may not be confined to this contagion.

If you have any of these symptoms or know anyone how does, contact your doctor at once. And above all, keep a straight face.

The most insidious aspect of Hiptodiptocaucus is that it is suspected of being transmitted by facebooking.

The will do its best to keep you informed once we get enough black coffee in the drunken rabbits.

Rating: 2.5/5 (182 votes cast)

Oprah Wedding Plans Revealed

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Jan. 6th, 2010

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Well folks, you heard it here first... another scoop.

Numerous unreliable sources have leaked big news on the Oprah front. It seems that the doyenne of daytime TV's move from Chicago and network TV to L.A. and her own health conscious, self help cable channel has a multi-dimensional spiritual intent.

The concept of Oprah's forthcoming cable presence came about as a joint venture with one of the most famous health gurus of our time, Deepak Chopra.

With their extraordinary business acumen already mingling, it came as no surprise to this reporter when Oprah and her ethereal collaborator announced their intention to enter into a spiritual union.

Oprah has assured her longtime fiancee, Steadman, that he has no need to worry since the up and coming union is strictly metaphysical. continued »

The entire ceremony will take place on the Astral Plane allowing only enlightened beings to attend.

The has been able to confirm that Weird Al Yankovic will conduct the ceremony and also preform a parody of himself as the official entertainment.

While the location of the reception is highly classified, we're sure that the paparazzi press will descend en masse from all points of the globe.

Celebrity guests will be arriving via Astral Airways from as far away as Tau Ceti, where Elvis himself holds court.

Oprah will take on her spiritual partner's name and will be known in the future as Mrs. Oprah Chopra.

Rating: 2.4/5 (167 votes cast)

Super Bowl Roman Numeralitis

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Jan. 3rd, 2010

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Pro football officials are considering dumping the practice of identifying Super Bowls by Roman numeral.

This year’s game, to be played in Tampa, will be the 44th Super Bowl (XLIV) and National Football League officials are concerned their fan base is getting confused.

“Let’s be honest,” said longtime NFL consultant Bronco Bobrowski. “We have millions of frat-boy fans who can barely add up their own fantasy league scores.

“It was fine when it was just III or V or XX. Now that we’re into the 40s it seems like a little too much for our crowd. We might as well announce the darn game in Latin.” continued »

Using Roman numerals to identify the championship game came in the 1960s after an NFL team owner came up with the “Super Bowl” moniker. He had been watching his grandchildren play with a trendy toy called a “Super Ball.”

“Pretty scientific, huh?” said Bobrowski. “Good thing the kids weren’t playing with a Hula Hoop.”

Super Bowl I was played on Jan., XV, MCMLXVII, (Jan, 15, 1967) with the Green Bay Packers beating the Kansas City Chiefs, XXXV-X (35-10).

Since then, X Super Bowls have been played in New Orleans, IX have been played in the Miami area and VII in the Los Angeles area.

“Super Bowl 45 (XLV) will be in Texas in 2011 (MMXI),” said Bobrowski. “Maybe by then we’ll have figured out a way to make the Roman numerals go the way of Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction.

“I mean, what else does anybody remember about Super Bowl XXXVIII?”

Rating: 2.2/5 (179 votes cast)

Cash for 'Clunkers' Extended

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Dec. 30th, 2009

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Seeking to keep the forward momentum of the economy and banking on the success of the last stimulus plan, the president has extended the Cash for Clunkers Program to apply to spouses. Yes, that's right, you heard it here first at the

According to the president's spokesperson, "We needed to find a vast, untapped, festering resource, and it was right under our noses! The potential is unlimited in a very limited way!" continued »

Imagine the spin off for collateral businesses. Lawyers overseeing divorces, restaurants packed with wooers, clothing retailers stripped bare as people seek to impress with re-dress, mouthwash and mint sales skyrocketing, home sales up everywhere. "Divorce used to be so dull and generally unrewarding. But now, can you say amicable?"

One noticeable casualty… business at cheap motels will be down as the necessity for affairs will be gone.

The government expects to pay $40,000 per decoupling. Applicants have to have been married at least 5 years. The new spouse must be more "fool-efficient" than the last one. Anybody with buyer's remorse prior to that has a lemon, not a clunker.

*Fine print: Prenups are null and void under this new arrangement. With apologies to any former media-maligned golf greats.

Rating: 2.8/5 (204 votes cast)

Big Shakeup In Reindeer Lineup

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Dec. 24th, 2009

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North Pole sources are spreading word of a major change in Santa Claus’ reindeer lineup once the 2009 global Yuletide season is complete.

“They had a good year but the team is old and slow and, well, its time for some fresh reindeer meat in the workshop,” said Kris Kindle, a noted North Pole blogger.

Santa and Mrs. Santa had no comment, but it’s known that Donner and Blitzen have changed agents since Thanksgiving and Vixen is said to be looking for a reality TV show opportunity.

“Think ‘Reindeer Wives of the Frozen North,’” said Kindle. “And I hear Dasher may go into coaching.” continued »

“Comet has been in negotiations with a beer company for an endorsement deal and Prancer has always dreamed of opening a Christmas store in his old home town in Norway, which is pretty much frozen Alpine tundra. “

Rudolph, easily the best known of the reindeer crew, is rumored to be angry about the shakeup.

“The red-nosed guy is hot, no question,” Kindle said. “I mean, he’s been the go-to reindeer since 1939 or so and feels like he hasn’t lost a step.”

Word is Rudolph has been reluctant to accommodate new technology and a changing marketplace.

“Dancer and Cupid went to senior management a while ago when Rudolph refused to use a GPS system on Christmas Eve,” said Kindle. “He’s old school, no question.”

“He’s a pain,” said Morey, Senior Elf Adjutant at the North Pole. “Rudolph had a hip replacement a few years ago and didn’t tell us.”

“We’ve had teams of reindeer in the minor league training camps in the Yukon since the 1960s. Mark my words, next year you’re gonna see a whole new lineup ”

Rating: 2.2/5 (169 votes cast)

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