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The Fed Has A Monopoly

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Dec. 7th, 2009

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According to numerous sources within the psychiatric community, it is believed that The Fed is obsessed with a bizarre form of GAMING MENTALITY. Specifically with the combining of Monopoly and Solitaire. 

To this pursuit, The Fed has bought up the world's existing supply of Monopoly games not to mention orchestrating a hostile takeover of the game's makers, Parker Brothers. The Fed then used the NSA, CIA, FBI and Homeland Security to track down and seize all privately owned Monopoly games. 

With this accomplished, The Fed found itself in the enviable position of controlling 649 gazillion Monopoly bucks and every little plastic hotel ever made. That's more liquidity then ever thought possible. Problem solved. Everything's cool. Give Ben Bernanke a second term. continued »

Except for one teeny weeny little problem. As it turns out, the rest of the world HATES Monopoly. 

This unanticipated economic twist has caused a bit of concern at the top levels of government since it now appears that The Fed has to play Monopoly all by itself which is, of course, the very definition of Solitaire.

Rating: 2.4/5 (177 votes cast)

GOP Wants eHarmony Nationalized

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Dec. 4th, 2009

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In yet another effort to tell American citizens whom to love, leading Republican lawmakers have recently authored a new bill proposing the nationalization of all existing and future eHarmony accounts. This new push to put the federal “kosher stamp” on American love comes on the heels of other proposals to constitutionally ban same-sex marriage and to protect the sanctity of matrimony.            

eHarmony, the online dating service for heterosexuals, was founded in Pasadena, California in 2000. Since it’s conception, leading conservatives have been pushing for more regulation and moral rectification.            continued »

“One’s romantic life is like a box of chocolates... if you’re really, really, really allergic to chocolate,” said House Minority Leader John Boehner. “It’s just not American for the government to stand by and let certain frumps go on first dates with certain night traders. The online dating network has been more like ‘eHARM” since it’s introduction into the tubes of the World Wide Web. It’s like Craigslist, but with TV commercials.”           

In a surprising twist, Rudy Giuliani jumped at the opportunity to stand up for the proposed legislation, as well. “In a post-9/11 world, we can’t afford not to have eHarmony nationalized,” said Giuliani to The Treetops Tattler. “With every mismanaged couple, Al Qaeda wins.”

Rating: 2.2/5 (158 votes cast)

Down to Rummaging For Stars

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Dec. 1st, 2009

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Producers for TV’s Dancing With the Stars and other shows with celebrity performers are running out of B-, C- and D-List performers, according to show business sources.

“Donny Osmond just won Dancing with the Stars, said Tinsel Town booking agent Shecky Wilshire. “Donny had a hit TV show with his sister Marie back in 1976. You do the math.”

For several years, Dancing has been peopled with long-in-the-capped-teeth, former sitcom stars, fading beauty queens, gimpy pro football players, drunken Olympic medalists from the ‘70s and ‘80s and members of the Baldwin family.

Now, observers fear the pool of talent – or no talent – is draining. continued »

“We’re talking to a guy who played a limo driver in three episodes of The Sopranos and an actress who had a recurring role on Law & Order - Criminal Intent a few years back,” said Wilshire.

“We’re at rock bottom and it doesn’t look good on us. Anyone got Brigitte Nielsen’s phone number?”

These days, bookers are willing to look anywhere, including the world of politics.

“Tom Delay was pretty good on Dancing until he broke a heel,” said one Left Coast booker. “But we just got turned down by an ex-Lieutenant Governor of Oregon and Nancy Pelosi’s personal trainer. And we can’t find Bill Clinton’s brother, Roger.”

The booker said they were following up with a former quarterback for the Winnipeg Jets in the Canadian Football League, members of the cast of 21 Jump Street and the guy who played Joey on Friends.”

“Oh, for the days of Tonya Harding, Todd Bridges, Leif Garrett and the dark-haired chick from Three’s Company”, she said. “Those were the Golden Age of has-beens.”

Rating: 2.2/5 (169 votes cast)

Oprah's Impact On Civilization

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Nov. 30th, 2009

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The news that Oprah will end her TV Show in 2011 came as a shock to many but we at The Treetops-Tattler saw it coming.

After all, it was clearly predicted by the Mayan Calendar thousands of years ago. The Mayans realized that the impact of Oprah's announcement on civilization would be immense. The end of the world, also predicted by the Mayans, was clearly considered by them to be of far less significance, added almost as an afterthought.

However, The Tattler's research department has uncovered an astounding bit of information... continued »

The Mayans, who are still considered the greatest celestial timekeepers the world has ever known, weren't downplaying the end of the world, they were just totally bummed out when they realized that there would apparently be no Oprah Show beyond 2011. Once this depressing concept sunk in, they saw no point to keeping their calendar going. They finally gave up altogether upon reaching December 23, 2012, not from lack of prognostication, but from heartbreak.

A world without Oprah?

Do not despair! Things are not as dire as the seem!

A source, close to the sister-in-law of a woman who once saw Oprah in person in a New York deli, reveals that Oprah will soon be starting her own planet. You heard right. Her own PLANET.

Planet Harpo will be right next door to Earth, complete with all the good things from the old planet PLUS, you guessed it, Oprah!

We, at The Tattler, are beside ourselves with joy and anticipation!

Stay tuned to for more Oprah updates. We plan to stay on this story until the end of time.

Rating: 2.3/5 (161 votes cast)

Worker Bee Spills The Beans

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Nov. 27th, 2009

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A worker bee, who wishes to remain anonybuzz, has come forward to shed light on what has so far remained a mystery, colony collapse disorder (CCD). CCD is characterized as a complete depopulation of a bee hive with the disappearance of all the adult bees. The chief suspects include pesticides (imidicloprid), GMO's, cell phone tower microwave radiation, and forced migration to name a few. "Look, it's all of the above" exclaimed a clearly agitated informant who, under magnification and the influence of "influences", looked curiously like John Belushi. "They're putting fricken' nicotine in the pesticides they're using! It's a real buzz killer!" continued »

As for the cell tower radiation, "I could find my way home with one wing tied behind my back, no problem. It's just that we can actually hear the conversations and they're so inane. Can you say drone? It's enough to make you want to sting your own tympanic membranes. Some of us are just trying to find a quiet place to chill."

"Have you ever tried to pollinate a genetically modified flower? NO? I didn't think so. Think having a passionate conversation about sports (or any subject) with Henry Kissinger. - Insanity with a german accent! Those scientists are messing with some really crazy sh*t. Our moral codes dictate a higher order of nature and we're just tired of propagating a lie."

A dirty little bee industry secret is the enslavement and forced migration of thousands of colonies around the US. "We never get paid, rarely get a day off, and if we do, we're on the road again. It can be a new orchard every week or so. We miss the seasons."

"Colony collapse disorder? I suppose, to the tiny self-centered mind of a human, sure. But, we like to consider it a 'worker bee revolt' against unsustainable conditions and total lack of reimbursement."

Rating: 2.8/5 (197 votes cast)

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