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No Room at the Bottom

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Mar. 22nd, 2012

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In a statement that has caught the world off guard, ROCK BOTTOM has announced the first in what is planned to be a series of evictions. Many residents, such as Bernie Madoff, who had previously felt secure, are being transferred to REALLY, REALLY SCREWED to make room for newcomers.

ROCK BOTTOM spokesman, Randall Bowlton, said he anticipates a smooth transition because the job market is flooded with out-of-work evictors ever since the government decided that banks had to actually have a legal right to throw people out of their homes before doing so. He added, “seems silly, but you know the government, ha, ha.” continued »

The shakeup is being blamed on the current Goldman Sachs scandal in which Goldman vice president Greg Smith resigned on the pages of the New York Times, and in the process outed Goldman as being a nest of morally bankrupt sleazeballs. Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein, who has been described as a “vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity” disputed Smith’s claims.

Bowlton went on, “you can see that we’re going to need a lot of room here for People’s Opinion of Wall St., and frankly it was already getting crowded with People’s Approval of the War in Afghanistan. Folks think we have all the room in the world, but we don’t”

Rejected by ROCK BOTTOM, disgraced former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich expressed deep disappointment, “I really thought I’d made it” he lamented. Bowlton countered, “The federal facility where Rod is going to spend the next fourteen years has pool tables, ping pong tables, a view of the Rockies and serves Saturday brunch.

In other words, for a large percentage of the earth’s population, it would be the nicest place they’d ever been. It’s fair to say that Rod was being overly optimistic. However, he’s a relatively young man with a lot of screwing up yet to do. I’m confident that he can think of this period as a stepping-stone, and I’m sure we’ll see him here at ROCK BOTTOM before the end.”

Rating: 2.6/5 (120 votes cast)

Is Pat Norml?

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Mar. 16th, 2012

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In an announcement that sent shivers down the spine of every stoner in the land, televangelist, 700 CLUB host Pat Robertson, has decreed that marijuana should be legalized. Randy Bing, president of NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) in an address to a gathering in Humboldt County lamented, “this is the worst blow to our movement since Clinton denied inhaling and George W. lit the wrong end!”

The 81-year-old Reverend Robertson is infamous for declaring that hurricane Katrina and the earthquake in Haiti were the Lord’s wrath upon sinners. Never able to explain exactly what entire populations could have done to tick the deity off so much as to deserve such nasty smitings, he went on to simply insist the earth was flat and that was reason enough. continued »

People who have been working for decades to try to convince responsible lawmakers to change antiquated pot laws have been seen grouped together like lemmings waiting for the other shoe to drop. “I can’t imagine anything worse,” moaned Bing. “This guy makes Gingrich look like Timothy Leary. Why would he do it?”

For his part, Robertson, who has reportedly been spotted escorting Grace Slick around California’s Esalen Institute, claims that he’s never touched the stuff. He commented, “the war on drugs has cost the American taxpayers billions and dramatically driven up prices for Julio who hangs out down by the schoolyard. It’s time for the madness to end.” Bing and other leaders at NORML are inconsolable and reported to be considering “the Jonestown solution.”

On the bright side, since Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich feel so strongly that it’s okay for government and religion to be cuddling up, Pastor Robertson’s announcement has a lot of people thinking that it will now be safe to drop by Santorum and Gingrich’s homes to fire one up without being hassled by “the man.”

When asked for comment, the Reverend Al Sharpton, whose mellow seemed severely harshed, described the situation as “Limbaughesque.”

Rating: 2.8/5 (122 votes cast)

Rush to Judgment

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Mar. 12th, 2012

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Right wing, radio attack whale, Rush Limbaugh, was recently observed breaching and blowing as he referred to a young lady who tripled his IQ as a “slut.” He also suggested that any woman who thought her healthcare program should cover birth control was actually being paid to have sex, and therefore was a prostitute.

Limbaugh went on to offer that the young woman should let him watch her during the act. The only thing about any of this that surprised anyone was the fact that Limbaugh might be interested in a woman... four marriages haven’t kept years of speculation from pointing in another direction. continued »

Poised and articulate, the woman in question, Sandra Fluke, is a law student at Georgetown University. She had not been allowed to address the Congressional Panel on Birth Control because the panel was not on speaking terms with the voice of reason. But she did address a delegation of Democrats later, a group that Rep. Eric Cantor referred to as being, “whadayacallit whipped.”

Shortly before an interview with NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, President Obama called Fluke to offer his support and congratulations. The President referred to Limbaugh as “corpulent and uninformed.” In a surprising display of one-upmanship the veteran journalist, Mitchell, decreed that Limbaugh was, “a moronic douche who needed to have his nads ripped off,” in a tone that suggested that she might be volunteering for the duty.

By the weekend, Limbaugh’s show had lost no less than six sponsors and the admitted drug addict was worried enough about revenues that he issued an apology. The apology was rivaled in its insincerity only by a cornered and snarling Newt Gingrich’s declaration that he agreed that his pal “Rush” should have apologized.

Observers on both sides of the aisle have been questioning how the Republican Party’s war on women will affect the creation of little Republicans.

Rating: 2.3/5 (129 votes cast)

Magna Bologna

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Mar. 6th, 2012

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At a Tea Party fundraiser held in West Virginia during his march to Super Tuesday, candidate Rick Santorum has called for a repeal of the Magna Carta.

The assembled group, who are clearly not satisfied with astral-projecting their brains back to the Victorian nineteenth century, met the announcement with thunderous applause. “Now that we’ve agreed that the United States Constitution and the Bill of rights are Godless, vomitus works of Satan, we can move on to some of the other trash that’s been around for far too long,” he sputtered. “If you thought it was fun living in the nineteenth century and the eighteenth century, wait till you get a load of the thirteenth century.” continued »

Clearly upset by all those whacky “rights” bestowed on the people of England by the great document, Santorum continued, “this is the sort of evil that encourages people to go around having abortions. Marrying people of the same gender, going to college, and not believing in God is probably just fine with those sick Magna Cartans!” The mere thought of the document, that is admittedly very old and quite possibly smelly, had the candidate throwing up in his mouth a little.

The crowd worked itself into a frenzy, chanting “off with their heads” at no one in particular, just feeling that it was a thirteenth century kind of thing to do. After allowing several minutes of mouth frothing, Sen. Santorum announced, “I promised my wimmenfolk that if I finished within ten points of Romney in Michigan, they’d all get new chastity belts.

What say we meet back here in a couple hours and burn some witches?” As Santorum exited the stage, the crowd proceeded to mill around collecting kindling and looking for a liberal.

Rating: 2.6/5 (127 votes cast)

19 Years and Change

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Mar. 2nd, 2012

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Breaking news!

Artist, cartoonist, writer, Chris Cassatt is sane… pretty much. After recently reaching the milestone of helming “SHOE” for one thousand weeks (almost 20 years), mental health professionals have declared Cassatt to still be in possession of several of his marbles. Dr. Wayne Bing announced, “I feel completely comfortable in using the term, 'sane-ish' to describe Mr. Cassatt’s psychological condition.” continued »

For some time now people have been throwing around the phrase “idiot savant” when Cassatt’s name came up, something many felt was a reckless and unfair characterization as few could figure out where the “savant” part fit in. Thanks to an extensive study conducted at the famed Mayo Clinic, researchers were able to determine that “savant” referred to Cassatt’s ability to earn a living by being an idiot. “It was a real breakthrough," gushed Dr. Bing, "It gives hope to all idiots.”

Now, jubilant idiots and comic strip fans across the U.S. and beyond are demanding some kind of recognition for the veteran scribbler. A “Lifetime Achievement Award” from the IDIOT HALL OF FAME has been suggested, also, perhaps, a bobble head doll.

In 1992, the great visionary genius and SHOE creator Jeff MacNelly, who was tiring of the grind of a daily strip, brought Cassatt into the SHOE family in an effort to avoid becoming the kind of drooling nitwit that Mrs. Cassatt currently wakes up to every morning. While the gambit worked for Jeff, who remained vital and creative until his untimely passing in 2000, MacNelly’s own worst fears sadly seem to be manifest in Chris.

Cassatt’s early years are shrouded in mystery. It’s known that he spent some time in college to avoid having his head blown off in Viet Nam. This ended when a draft lottery number was drawn that was high enough to ensure that he couldn’t have gotten into the Mexican Army even if he wanted to.

Leaving academia in his wake, legend has it that he migrated to the Rocky Mountains to make skis created out of actual barrel staves, an idea whose time had not yet come. Industry professionals now say that if he’d been willing to stick it out for another 40 years, he might be turning a profit this very day!

It was in the thin air of the high Rockies that Chris met Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist and “Mother Goose & Grimm” creator Mike Peters. Apparently clear air and clear thinking are not the same thing as they quickly became close friends. Peters then introduced Cassatt to MacNelly who recognized both the idiot and the savant in Chris… and the rest is history.

Rating: 2.9/5 (128 votes cast)

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