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From Kardashia with Love

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Jan. 29th, 2012

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Speculation is raging across Hollywood like a prairie fire as to who Khloe Kardashian’s real father is. The tabloid press, unable to accept that it may actually be the man who was married to her mother at the time of Khloe’s birth, is scrambling to find who the next lucky prospect will be.

The Kardashian women, whose romantic entanglements strongly resemble that maze in “The Shining,” are currently in seclusion trying to figure out how best to market the situation.

In an impromptu man-on-the-street interview, 67.3% of those questioned thought that anatomically correct “Kardashian Girls” Barbie Dolls might be a good way for the family to capitalize on the media frenzy. continued »

Several former beaus of mother Kris Kardashian are vehemently denying the possibility that they could have sired Khloe, citing the fact that by the time they were playing around with Kris, the child had already come in to the world. Hollywood insiders remain skeptical.

In a startling twist, MAD MAGAZINE mascot/coverboy, Alfred E. Newman, implied in an interview with Katie Couric, that he might have had something to do with it. His grin, his “What me worry?” attitude, and a strong resemblance to the youngest Kardashian daughter have reporters scouring back alleys and emptying garbage bins seeking DNA from the comedy icon.

A Kardashian family spokesman, Wayne Bing, volunteered that, “cashing in on a situation like this is easy... the trick is to get the optimum bang for your buck, no pun intended, heh heh.”

As of today, young Khloe has retained one of Los Angeles’ most prestigious private investigating firms to determine who, exactly, her mother might be. “There could be a few million in it,” declared the newly minted orphan.

Rating: 2.9/5 (114 votes cast)

Waiting for the Bus

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Jan. 24th, 2012

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NASA has announced that the Chinese Space Agency (CSA) has alerted the world scientific community that yet another large piece of space debris will fall to earth sometime in the next several weeks, or months…. or some other time.

The object, a school bus approximately the size of a school bus, failed to escape earth's orbit and go wherever it was going. It is a subject of intense speculation as to exactly why the Chinese would want to put a school bus in space, but they aren’t talking.

The CSA is brushing off early calculations that suggest an object that large, traveling at twenty thousand miles per hour and hitting the earth would create a crater the size of Wyoming. Zhng Tao Huh of the Chinese information agency stated, “The chances of this thing hitting Wyoming are infinitesimal.” continued »

Where, exactly, the object will come to earth cannot be calculated until approximately two hours before it arrives, but scientists say if everyone on earth is packed and ready to go, “those in the target area should have plenty of time to get out of Dodge.” This statement caused a lot of folks in Dodge to start packing and getting out… right quick.

When asked if there were any school children aboard the bus, Huh responded, “Fortunately the rocket carrying the bus was launched on a school holiday and all the students were in factories making knock-offs of American goods.”

In a prepared statement, White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney, explained that President Obama did not anticipate that the situation would create any strain in Sino-U.S. relations. He quoted the President. “Even if it does happen to hit Wyoming, the bus in question is an American made “Bluebird” school bus that has safely carried children in this country to school and home again for generations. As Americans, we’re proud that our Chinese friends have recognized the superior quality of this American made product.

In the meantime property values in Wyoming and Dodge are plummeting.

Rating: 2.7/5 (106 votes cast)

Hollywood Bureau

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Jan. 19th, 2012

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This just in –
Our correspondent in Tinseltown has confirmed that ugly mobs in the UK are up in arms over gringo, Meryl Streep, being chosen to play the role of Margaret Thatcher.

In an unprecedented backlash directed at the “colonies,” Brits across the island nation took to the streets in response to the casting of the American actress in the title role of “The Iron Lady.” “Why didn’t they just cast Queen Latifah? At least she’s got a title,” snarled one irate fishmonger. “What’s with these bloody Yanks? They think all Canadian actors are American and they probably think the Beatles were Americans.” continued »

Following her triumphant turn as “Sheena Queen of the Jungle,” Streep responded to the barrage of criticism with typical British stoicism, “There’s an upcoming biopic on Reagan called “The First Zombie President,” I think Helen Mirren would be wonderful in the title role.”

This is a trend that the industry has called “too much medication” casting. Ever since Betty White played Dick Cheney in the “Rambo” remake, casting against type has become a popular but transparent device to garner Oscar nominations.

On our side of the pond audiences seemed more sanguine. “No one seemed to mind Julia Child being the French Chef,” commented Randall Bowlton, self described “tall jockey.” He went on, “and speaking of France, how about that guy Sarkozy casting Salma Hayek as a Chevalier in The Legion of Honor just for being smoking hot.”

Hayek is not the first actor to receive that honor; others include Clint Eastwood and Jerry Lewis, both less hot and neither of whom was considered for the Thatcher role.

The editorial staff at The Tattler feels strongly that Ms. Hayek is welcome to any award she wants and if she drops by the office, we’ll do our best to get it for her. The same goes for Margaret Thatcher and Meryl Streep. Clint and Jerry are welcome too. But we really think Salma would have been great as Thatcher.

Rating: 2.7/5 (112 votes cast)

After New Hampshire

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Jan. 14th, 2012

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Since the New Hampshire Primary, the two most attractive Republicans in the presidential race have been flushed away. The square jawed cowpoke who is dead, but doesn’t have the common sense to lie down and close his eyes, and the hot co-ed who looks like she took way too much acid in her freshman year. While some may miss looking at them, few will miss listening to them. This is a burden their spouses alone will bear from now on.

So now the GOP’s inventory of choices has come down to: 

Rick Santorum – The quintessential dweeb who surely has developed a thick skin from being picked on every single day of his academic life through the sixteenth grade. 

 continued »

Ron Paul – Accurately described as a “lawn gnome” by some, and the kind of a creature that might live under the base of a lawn gnome, by others.

Newt Gingrich – Speaking of lawn gnomes, actually Gingrich is more the troll under the bridge. And don’t forget Mrs. Troll-under-the-bridge, terrifying children in fairy tales for centuries.

John Huntsman – Promoted from invisible man to third place finisher, possibly a rational human being who fell in with a bad crowd.

And Mitt – His real first name is Willard but most Republicans think it’s Mitten. That says it all. However, he’s become extremely popular with other folks who enjoy firing people.

The question is, what will happen when the Republicans run out of first time frontrunners? Will they recycle?

Or then there’s Donald Trump and Sarah Palin. They’re both just there, kind of like that thing that lurked in your bedroom closet when you were a little kid. They’ve both questioned whether President Obama was born in the United States while some question whether either of them was spawned on planet Earth. Both have the kind of egos that would allow them to see themselves as off-white knights bursting upon the scene to save the Republican Party, and the country, from the elderly, the sick, the poor, the disadvantaged and other types of freeloaders out to pick the pockets of the righteous, folks with their own private jets, six homes and a dozen or so cars.

Someone has to do it.

Rating: 2.6/5 (122 votes cast)

The Stihl Chainsaw Dust Bowl?

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Jan. 7th, 2012

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The 2011 college bowl season started about a week before Christmas and is ending approximately a week after New Years. In 1960 there were 8 bowl games, in 1996 there were 18, this year there will be 34 or 35, depending on your source.

The reason for this small discrepancy is something only the football gods and ESPN really know. One thing is for sure, no one is volunteering to sit down and watch every game and count them up. You used to watch all the games, now there are people in white coats with butterfly nets waiting to catch someone merely attempting to do so.

In the old days, the best teams in college football were invited to play in a postseason bowl game. They were nationally ranked and it was a reward. This year there were more bowl games involving teams with barely winning records than there used to be bowl games. continued »

With so many games to choose from, it’s never too soon to start looking at some guidelines to maximize next year's bowl experience for the avid fan.

In recent years it was safe to simply have a policy to not watch games involving teams with hideous records. But now, that would mean missing a lot of games and not putting the kind of dent in your couch that you had mentally committed to sometime before Thanksgiving.

A favorite standard around The Tattler has been to not watch games involving teams from schools we could have gotten in to. That gave you plenty of room for hours of viewing and edited out a few bottom-feeding institutions left over from the Viet Nam era when everyone was going to college to avoid the draft.

A new standard might be to not watch games involving teams from schools that the bad guys in those inbred-mutant-cannibal-chainsaw wielding slasher flicks could have gotten in to. This would allow you to edit out a couple snoozer games being played on rocky pastures in some third world corner of the dustbowl. Which would be the name of that game… and it would be sponsored by a chainsaw manufacturer, and…


The important thing is to have some standards.

Rating: 2.7/5 (117 votes cast)

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