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By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Jan. 3rd, 2012

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With the holidays behind us, there’s always something of a letdown. Sports fans still have the Superbowl to look forward to, and misguided romantics have Valentines Day. If you actually make it through to Easter, it’s probably safe to look forward to spring. But right now everyone, EVERYONE, can start enjoying Seasonal Affective Disorder! If you live north of the Mason-Dixon Line you know what I’m talking about.

If you reside in Florida only 1.4 percent of you will be afflicted with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). But if you live in New Hampshire, 9.7 percent of you can look forward to being plunged into depression by winter’s gloom. continued »

SAD wasn’t officially recognized until 1984. Before that you were just depressed. Of course now that it has a name, you’re still just depressed. Perhaps the fact that it now has a name somehow helps. Like when scientists have no idea what something is, they call it an “anomaly,” and that makes people think they know what they’re talking about…. but they don’t, that’s why they call it an anomaly.

When you’re depressed because it’s been dark and gloomy and cold for weeks on end cheer up, you have Seasonal Affective Disorder! Of course if you’re not depressed when it’s dark and gloomy for weeks on end, something else is wrong with you. Either that or you’ve gotten hold of something illegal… and wouldn’t it be nice if you shared?

If you live in the north, one way to combat SAD is, instead of being depressed, you could be ticked off at the people in Florida who have SAD. What in the metrological world do they have to be depressed about? Okay, hurricane season. But that’s not depression, that’s perfectly reasonable FEAR.

Your house, your dog, your stamp collection and that vintage Edsel you’ve spent years restoring are going to be blown out to sea. Don’t tell me you have SAD, you have common sense. GET OUT OF THERE!

The Tattler sincerely hopes this public service message has been of some help.

Cheer up.

Rating: 2.7/5 (107 votes cast)

Happy New Year!

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Dec. 30th, 2011

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New Years Eve is traditionally a festive time of celebration; people mistake household objects for party hats and other peoples' wives for objects of affection. Drunken blackouts are socially acceptable and putting the contents of one’s stomach on display cheers everyone up.

An ending and a beginning all wrapped into one, New Years is a time for both reflection and optimism. While being one year closer to the grave gives everyone something to look forward to, it’s also a good time to look back on what became of last year’s hopes and dreams.

There’s been some disappointment: continued »

The Vegas line on the Mayan feathered serpent god, Quetzalcoatl, not fancying the way the world has turned out and consuming it, are 2 to 1. Most touts consider this a sucker bet and suggest the real odds are one of those numbers you encounter when you start investigating string theory, a dot, forty pages of zeros, and then a one. So the hopeful are probably going to be in for another bleak year of frustration.

Several reporters here at The Tattler had looked forward to retiring from journalism and becoming back-up dancers for Brittany Spears…. more disenchantment, hence, this article.

Closely connected insiders say that after an evening of more excessive partying than usual, Callista Gingrich was deeply disappointed to wake up and find Newt next to her, and one of her hairs out of place. The hair was summarily executed.

On the other hand, hopes for the upcoming year include:

Kim Kardashian marrying as many men as it takes to find Mr. Right, and everyone is looking forward to Bruce Jenner turning up so they can stop using that wax statue for photo ops.

The 2012 election will mean that the GOP primary season and the endless debates involving fools and philanderers will be over. People are jumping out of their wheelchairs and doing back flips over that one.

Wall St. bankers and brokers have suggested that 2012 will be the year they welcome “occupiers” into their homes to share the wealth.

And those who believe the above will be giving Bernie Madoff all their money to invest for them.

Happy 2012!

Rating: 2.7/5 (104 votes cast)

It's Not a Duck!

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Dec. 24th, 2011

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Once every ten years The National Council On Conventional Wisdom (NCOCW) meets at a secret location for its “Aphorism Update.” In much the way that dictionaries purge words that have faded from use and add new words that have evolved out of popular culture. The NCOCW reassess notions that are commonly held to be universal truths, and that occasionally comfort those who need comforting.

The decade from 2001 – 2010 was such that the report emanating from this meeting was particularly large and marked a sea change in several areas. So here’s a preview...

For those who were holding onto some distant hope:
After years of grinding recession and unemployment, the council has determined that, NOTHING EVER HAPPENS FOR THE BEST. continued »

For the star struck who might think fame is the answer:
IF YOU HAVE A CHOICE BETWEEN SEEING YOUR NAME IN LIGHTS AND SEEING YOUR NAME ON A CHECK… The council added that this is true even if the check is issued by an institute for the criminally insane where you’ve been employed to do custodial work.

And for those who have accepted all along that:
IF IT LOOKS LIKE A DUCK, WALKS LIKE A DUCK AND QUACKS LIKE A DUCK… IT’S A DUCK. The council warns that it could easily be a DEA agent in a duck suit snooping around after your medical marijuana.

The full report will be released next week and the Council urges all Americans to study it thoroughly. Council Chairman Wayne Bing also admonished, “anchors on local newscasts and talk radio pundits,” to be particularly studious. “For them,” he cautioned, “the wisdom bar is usually set low enough for a snake to trip over.”

In closing he added, “SOMEDAYS YOU’RE THE BUG AND SOMEDAYS YOU’RE THE WINDSHIELD has remained unchanged, as neither option struck us as being particularly pleasant. But on the upside, due to the current state of the economy, A BIRD IN HAND is now worth THREE IN THE BUSH!”

Rating: 2.8/5 (110 votes cast)

Dead Crazy Person

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Dec. 20th, 2011

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North Korean strongman Kim Jong Il is dead. Known to his people as “Beloved Dweeb Who Keeps Us Starving,” Kim succumbed to a heart attack at age 67. His rule was shrouded in secrecy for seventeen years and was considered a cult of personality.

Many Tattler staffers feel sufficiently encouraged by the fact that someone like Kim could have a cult of personality that they are starting their own cults of personality. “It gives hope to every idiot in the world,” enthused one low ranking Tattler employee. continued »

Kim’s hand picked successor is youngest son Kim Jong Ick. Speculation abounds as to why the youngest of his brood was selected to run the fifth-world nation after the senior Kim’s death, but insiders tell of a family competition to see who could get a worse haircut than their dad. Ick was the hands down winner, and nobody can dispute that. The young Kim will be known as “Adored Twerpy Kid Son Of Beloved Nutjob Ruler.”

The White House response to Kim’s death has been politically correct, allowing counties in the region to shape their own responses and expecting China, who practically owns North Korea along with every other nation in that part of the world and the United States, to help navigate the new regime.

Several GOP candidates were asked for their take on this turn of events. Newt Gingrich seemed baffled that we can get our shorts in a bunch over Iran possibly developing a nuclear device when the crazies in North Korea already have one. “It doesn’t make sense, we should have invaded them long ago.” Some smart aleck from the New York Times mentioned something about the “Korean War” and that was the end of that interview.

Governor Rick Perry asked if North Korea was anywhere near the Alamo and Mitt Romney suggested that his campaign might make a swing through North Korea. “If I can only point out to them how well North Dakota gets along with South Dakota it might be a game changer.

Rating: 2.7/5 (102 votes cast)

Time on My Hands

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Dec. 16th, 2011

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In a pre-incarceration interview, disgraced former Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich, ruminated on the subjects of life and politics. “You know since the 70’s, seventy-nine Illinois officials have gone to jail for corruption, four out of the last eight governors, that’s counting me of course, ha, ha. Which means that statistically you have a better chance of going to prison by getting elected governor than if you hold up a 7 eleven. Fortunately, the dough’s better in politics, although I’m still a little tempted every time I go into a convenience store.” continued »

Sentenced to fourteen years for trying to sell President Obama’s senate seat, Blago (as he has come to be known to his fans) will probably serve twelve. “I feel that my time in prison will afford me an opportunity to be exposed to a better class of people…compared to the types one meets in Illinois politics.”

Clearly a “glass half full” kind of guy, Blago went on, “I think I’d like to get into show business when I get out, maybe acting. Since acting is basically lying, I’m thinking that in twelve years I can get in a lot of practice. I plan on offering my fellow inmates a lot of patronage positions while I’m doing my time.” He chortled, “I’m looking at this as a twelve year run of HELP, I’M A CELEBRITY, GET ME OUT OF HERE, only I won’t have to be around the lowlife jerks that were on that show.”

Looking towards his immediate future the ex-governor waxed optimistic, “The first thing I’m going to do once I start my sentence is to hold a GOP presidential debate. The candidates won’t have to worry about me getting into the race if I don’t like what they have to say. Probably.”

Rating: 2.4/5 (104 votes cast)

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