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By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,

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"There is no way the NBPLA will support a law condoning backside checks. If the government thinks it has to check backsides, we will show them our pistols." So spoke Lain LaDerriere, President of the National Big Pistol Lovers Association.

With 90% of the country supporting background checks for the purchase of firearms, the NBPLA continues its obdurate stance regarding any kind of progress involving gun control.

While most of Congress cowers at the thought of crossing the powerful gun lobby, some brave Senators have come up with a bi-partisan bill that they know doesn't stand the chance of a banana clip at a gun show of getting through the House of Representatives. "They'll eat this baby alive, no harm will be done," explained Leonard Charles, co-author of the bill. continued »

Senator Wayne Bing explained, "Whatever these guys are compensating for, it must be a huge/tiny problem… they really like to play with their pistols."

The 4.3 million Americans who belong to gun groups are paranoid about the government kicking in their doors and taking away their guns, while the other 310 million Americans are paranoid about getting gunned down by psycho scumbag with a single digit IQ.

LaDerriere first came to national attention by championing transgender rights, "Every man and woman in America has the right to own a gun… even if they're the same person," became a rallying cry that never really caught on. Since then, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) rights groups have disavowed LaDerriere as having a "diseased mind" and being, "beyond a nut case."

Later in the day the NBPLA issued a terse statement, "forget it," when it was pointed out to LaDerriere that it was "background checks" that people wanted, not "backside checks."

Rating: 2.4/5 (157 votes cast)


By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,

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Hollywood exhaled a collective sigh of relief Friday when Daily Variety announced that "THE CHARLIE SHEEN SCHOOL OF GETTING IT TOGETHER" has granted Lindsay Lohan early admittance. Dean of students Randy Bowlton explained that, "Miss Lohan is everything we hope for in a student… her track record speaks for itself." Dean Bowlton went on, "We usually don't accept new students till the summer "passed out face down on the sidewalk in front of the nightclub" season is well underway, but as you all know, for Lindsay that sort of thing has no season." continued »

Lohan is scheduled for a court ordered stay in rehab starting in May, but many feel that "Charlie's" school is an invaluable prerequisite. The young starlet's course load will include, CS101-"WHY, In Public?" and CS203-"Choosing Friends Who Aren't Scumbags!" which consists of roundtable discussions on people you meet at your drug dealer's apartment.

Cornered at her neighborhood Walmart, a decidedly upbeat Lohan was asked what she was most looking forward to during her stay at "Charlie's" place. "I heard there's a seminar called, PUT THAT DOWN, IT DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU. I think that sounds like a lot of fun," Lohan gushed as she slipped the latest issue of People Magazine and a Weber model 751001 charcoal grill under her sweater.

Regarding her plans following rehab, Lohan said she's scheduled some post-graduate diplomacy courses at the Dennis Rodman School For International Studies, "The State Department has asked me to travel to North Korea to see if I can do something about averting a nuclear holocaust. Sounds like a mess over there, I think I'll bring Charlie."

Rating: 2.3/5 (143 votes cast)


By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,

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Sunday, in a fit of frustration, Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy referred to NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre as "a clown at the circus." The NRA's ongoing opposition to anything that smacks of any kind of gun control has elected officials it doesn't own at wits end. When asked how he felt about being referred to as a clown," LaPierre whipped out a shaving cream pie and wielded it in a threatening manner while laughing hysterically. He then chortled, "Why the hell would the American people worry about homicidal maniacs being able to purchase assault rifles without even a background check, when they can worry about where Beyonce' and Jay-Z go on vacation? My man Marco will back me on that." Referring to Florida Senator Marco Rubio, whose constituents hate people going to Cuba. continued »

The NRA has 4.3 million members or a little more than 2% of the electorate… a considerably smaller percentage than blacks, Hispanics and gays. Asked how such a relatively tiny voter base can terrify so many lawmakers, LaPierre chuckled and spouted, "Well, it sure doesn't have anything to do with the money ha, ha!" He then pulled out a horn with a huge bulb on the end of it and began squeezing and honking and merrily dancing around the room. "Besides" he declared, "Who can worry about murdered children when Obama is running around referring to attractive politicians as attractive politicians."

As President Obama continues to push for gun control, Republican lawmakers are pledging to block the legislation at every turn. LaPierre pointed out that, "NRA volunteers will be handing out red noses and bouquets of balloons to all our members of congress as a gesture of solidarity. Every balloon will have a $20 in it and EVERYBODY LOVES A CLOWN!"

With that LaPierre and a score of his staff climbed into a tiny car and sped off.

Rating: 2.3/5 (145 votes cast)


By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,

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Today Canada announced that it was closing its border with the United States. Prime Minister Stephen Harper expressed regret, "that it had come to this." Generations of cordial relations between the two nations have been strained since a mass exodus of baby boomers began a lemming-like migration north. "We can't possibly absorb this many geezers and codgers," Harper lamented.

The situation began to evolve the day after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un declared war on the United States. While the announcement shocked the entire nation, those who were in college during the Vietnam conflict seemed to have a more visceral reaction than others. And rumors of the draft being reinstated produced a high level of anxiety among the "Hell no, we won't go" generation. continued »

At the Whitehouse, Press Secretary Jay Carney assured the media that there were no plans to resume the draft, while outside hundreds of gray haired retirees with nothing better to do milled around chanting, "You can't trust the man!" and "Off the pigs!" Headbands and moth eaten tie-dye t-shirts were everywhere, while a grinning septuagenarian passed out something that, for all the world, looked like blotter LSD.

While riot police were on hand to control the crowd, most of them sat around in lounge chairs sunning themselves, as exhausted protesters doddered about looking for someplace to take a nap.

Despite assurances from the administration, thousands continue to flee to the northern border to escape the draft.

Pathetic scenes at border crossings had ancient, decaying hippies clutching copies of Mother Jones and seeking shelter from the elements. One particularly seedy looking old gentleman carrying a sign suggesting that people should "MAKE LOVE NOT WAR" sold Canadian bootleg Viagra.

Several particularly disgruntled geriatrics announced that they were going to "occupy" Woodstock; "Nixon will never find us there!!"

Rating: 2.3/5 (150 votes cast)


By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,

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While a river of noxious, black sludge flowed through a Mayflower, Arkansas suburb, a spokesperson for the oil industry explained that the pipeline that ruptured, built in the 1940's, had undergone regular inspections complying with industry standards. In fact, if you had been watching the coverage of the spokesperson's statement on TV, with your eyes closed, you would have concluded that nothing was happening at all. Which, coincidentally, is how The American Medical Association suggests you watch TV. Eyes closed, fingers in your ears. continued »

In the United States the oil industry is so powerful and owns so many politicians that even the NRA is a little jealous. NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre expressed outrage. "I refuse to accept that we live in a country in which elected officials can be purchased like streetwalkers. I'm going to have our politicians investigate their politicians and get to the bottom of this!"

The oil industry has been existing in its own reality for who knows how long, but anyone who was missing that fact got a dose of reality when, following the gulf oil spill, BP CEO Tony Hayward commented that he, too, was upset by how long the event was dragging on and that he "wanted his life back," seemingly oblivious to the fact that eleven men were killed in the rig explosion and they didn't have the luxury of wanting their lives back.

When asked to comment, a high-ranking oil executive who wished to remain anonymous, was baffled as to why people hated oil companies, "Doesn't everyone raise their prices regularly, for no reason at all, during a recession?" On the possibility of the Mayflower incident affecting the highly divisive Keystone XL pipeline, he laughed, "No way! When they propose gun control legislation what happens…gun sales skyrocket. I predict that we'll have 800,000 gallons of oil sands flying through that pipeline like rounds through an assault rifle in no time. This is America, I know…we bought it.

Rating: 2.4/5 (170 votes cast)

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