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Stupid Human Shticks

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Mar. 11th, 2011

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The National Four-Legged League (NFL) is asking Congress to look into compelling new evidence of growing stupidity and weirdo behavior among the human population.

The NFL keeps an eye on everything from Lassie to pet owners who are a little tardy with the food bowl.

So they were growling at reports that in Oklahoma a puppy named Wall-E was officially “euthanized,” but found the following day prancing around the dumpster, looking for a doggie treat.

“We’re pretty darn happy about Wall-E,” said NFL spokescreature Spuds McKibble, “but we have some serious questions about humans at this point.

“Let me put it this way: It’s a place where they euthanize dogs, which we obviously think is a pretty bad idea. But they are incapable of doing the one thing they are supposed to do.” continued »

There are other canine concerns. McKibble pointed to recent news reports that Russians were preparing to “deport” nearly 30,000 stray dogs in Moscow to a “camp” out side the city.

“Hey, they may be doing the pooches a favor shipping them out of Moscow in the winter,” he said, “but this sounds an awful lot like a Wall-E deal to me.”

The Russians changed their minds but the NFL sees a pattern of behavior that seems crazier than a Jack Russell terrier.

And it’s not just a dog’s life.

“There’s this guy in Canada who is bringing his pet buffalo into the house,” said Spuds. “He customized his convertible so Bailey the buffalo can ride in it. Or on it. Get a grip, people!”

Rating: 2.3/5 (108 votes cast)

Local Team Has Yet to Lose a Game

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Mar. 4th, 2011

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With most of the contract disputes, marital problems, visa questions and law enforcement issues cleared up, the Treetops’ baseball nine is ready for spring training.

Opening Day against the dreaded Capital City Grackles is just a month or so away and Treetops manager Coot Plover says his birds of summer are ready.

In a surprise move, training camp this spring has been moved to Wood Duck, Arkansas.

“Sure, most ball clubs are working out in Florida or Arizona,” said Plover, “but we think southeast Arkansas is swell this time of year. Most of the fellas have already flown in.

“See, some of these young birds don’t have any more sense than God gave a woodpecker, so we like to keep them where they can’t get in too much trouble.” continued »

Plover says his team is looking to rebound from last year’s disappointing fifth-place finish in the Three Avian League.

“We’re movin’ on,” he said. “Them Snowy Egrets is always tough and we’ve had our problems with the Ospreys and the Laughing Gulls, no question about it.”

The manager declined to discuss the messy forfeit and mass birdie fight that ended last season against the Indigo Buntings, except to say that all charges had been dropped and the Buntings were a sorry collection of scaly-footed losers.

“We’re hoping all the big birds and fledglings in the greater Treetops area will let bygones be bygones and come out to beautiful Albatross Stadium and see us,” Plover said.”

Rating: 2.6/5 (136 votes cast)

Ski Goggles Meet Beer Goggles

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Feb. 27th, 2011

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There are men (and women) who do not train for the triathlon. There are many who are passionate about never, ever going to the gym for a workout, who always buy the real potato chips and the beef jerky made from, well, beef and not turkey or tofu.

So it’s a big day for that crowd as a Bavarian company (where else?) announced it was going to market a no-alcohol beer as a “sports and fitness” drink.

“Right on,” said Ashton Pilsner, spokesman for the Beer Users Recreational Panel (BURP). “We couldn’t be happier if they decided to declare the treadmill a lethal weapon.”

Across Europe, according to press reports from funny-sounding places and guys named Dieter, skiers, biathletes and other snowbound competitors are swilling giant mugs of the foamy stuff right at the finish line. continued »

“They give it away, which would be totally cool if it was actually beer,” said Pilsner, “but, hey, one drink at a time. This way you get to have a tall, cool one before you get to the ski lodge.”

Asked about fake beer as an energy drink, trainers and nutritionists say one thing or another, the way they always do.

“Blah blah blah,” said a registered nutritionist from Innsbruck named Helga.

“It’s got lots of like vitamins,” said Pilsner, sipping on an actual beer. “And it’s great for like carbo-loading, whatever that is. Those Olympic dudes talk about it all the time.”

Pilsner is hopeful that chicken wings and Doritos will soon be added to the sports energy regimen.

Rating: 2.3/5 (129 votes cast)

It's a (Show) Dog's Life

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Feb. 23rd, 2011

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Citizens of Treetops may not know it, but off the Interstate at Exit 21, out near the abandoned county fairgrounds, a local sporting hero named Hooker is enjoying his retirement. Sort of.

Back in 2002, the cranky bulldog and Treetops native finished as fourth runner up in the Non-Sporting Group at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in Madison Square Garden in New York City.

“It’s in the past,” he told the Tattler in an exclusive interview. “I don’t think about it much.”

Despite the glamour, the pampering and the top chow, Hooker became disillusioned with the world of show dogs and the elite canine lifestyle on the contest circuit. continued »

“First thing is, the place is crawling with little dogs,” Hooker yelped. “I mean, teeny little dogs, dogs the size of bedroom slippers. Barky little dogs that weigh less than a box of medium Milk Bones.”

“And people don’t know about the partying,” Hooker said. “Some of these younger pooches, they get to Manhattan and get kind of crazy after the humans go to bed.”

Despite his blue-ribbon record, Hooker was never happy with the selection process.

“The judges are morons,” he yipped. “Most of them don’t know any more about dogs than Newt Gingrich.”

Still, he’s happy for Hickory, this year’s Westminster winner.

“I didn’t watch it but nothing but best wishes to the winner,” Hooker said, gnawing on a low-fat pig’s ear doggie treat. “I had my day. It ain’t easy being number one.”

Rating: 2.5/5 (127 votes cast)

Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Feb. 16th, 2011

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A spokesbird for the Greater Treetops Chamber of Commerce tells the Tattler that the business community is atwitter over the response to Spike’s, the new tattoo removal parlor out near the abandoned Buy-By-Night strip mall on Rte. 728.

“Frankly we were skeptical when the owners leased the old Big Gal Barn and the Fondue Shoppe,” said Chamber spokesbird Woodrow Retale.

“Apparently, a lot of our friends and neighbors are having second thoughts about that body art.”

Spike’s Tats-Be-Gone opened quietly over the holidays, said owner Edmund “Spike” Rapter. continued »

‘We had no idea so many of out fellow citizens would be in the market for getting rid of those dragons, daggers, devils, flags, hearts, snakes, pirates, roses, barbed wire, Grim Reapers, astrological signs and ‘Moms,’” he said.

Spike credits much of his business to bachelor parties and honeymoons, the U.S. military, trips to Las Vegas, Key West and Mexico, late-night wagers in nightclubs and young love.

In the waiting room at Spike’s, Tommy Earl Toucan and his spouse, Miranda, were discussing their various adventures in the tattoo parlor.

“Me and the missus, we decided we needed to get some work done and then Spike’s came along,” said Tommy Earl.

“See, she’s got ‘Charlie’ tattooed on her left shoulder and a little heart on her wrist that says ‘Buddy’. I’ve got a really big one on my forearm that says “Maisie,’ along with a little picture of, well, Maisie. It gets complicated.”

Spike’s is open Monday through Saturday, by appointment only. Bring your own Advil.

Rating: 2.6/5 (135 votes cast)

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