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Treetops Tattler Archives

Husky Boy to Smoke No More

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Sep. 7th, 2010

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Aldi Rizal, 2, announced that he has licked his two-pack-a-day smoking habit, much to the delight of Indonesian government officials, who are taking credit for the health-care miracle.

The rotund “smoking baby” became the biggest Internet sensation since “dancing baby” or maybe British chanteuse Susan Boyle when he was taped smoking cigarettes like Humphrey Bogart, a big grin splitting his chubby cheeks.

A spokes-baby for Toddlers Anonymous hailed Aldi’s cold (strained) turkey performance but others have raised questions, particularly about the young Aldi’s stint in “rehab.” continued »

“He’s, uh, two years old, so maybe there’s a difference between him quitting the habit in a rehab program and just taking the cigarettes away from him,” said Billy Jo Camel of the Child Smokers Institute (CSI). “Anybody thought about that one?”

Word from Jakarta is that the tubby, cheerful youngster, who has worked his weight north of 60 pounds in his brief 30 months on the planet, was fond of blowing smoke rings and prone to raving meltdowns when denied his tobacco.

Observers and people who want to see more YouTube videos are concerned that Aldi will turn to hiding smokes in the diaper bag and borrowing cigarettes from seven-year-olds.

The youngster is reportedly considering a tour of the United States in anticipation of his forthcoming biography, “If I Got’ Em, I Smoke “Em.”

The tour would include a visit with Oprah, an appearance at a NASCAR event, a spot on a Donald Trump special and interviews on the PBS “NewsHour” and NPR.

Rating: 2.3/5 (145 votes cast)

Dance, Dance, Dance

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Sep. 2nd, 2010

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From Hollywood comes word that former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and conservative yakker Ann Coulter have declined the chance to appear on the latest rendition of television’s “Dancing With the Stars.”

If true, it means the pair will not be joining Bristol Palin, daughter of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, and other luminaries on ABC’s glittery stumble-fest.

According to highly placed sources, the new lineup includes actor David “Still Big in Europe” Hasselhoff, aging pro quarterback Kurt Warner, “Brady Bunch” legend and Polident spokeswoman Florence Henderson, Jennifer “It’s a Long Way from ‘Dirty Dancing’” Grey and, of course, Anna Trebunskaya. continued »

Also on the roster is Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino, who is either a member of the cast of cable’s “Jersey Shore,” a former NFL wide receiver or winner of the recent hot dog eating contest at Coney Island.

The Hollywood Revealer is reporting that Rice is not the only fading public figure to be recruited.

Unconfirmed reports persist that the variety show reached out to former United Nations Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, former Polish leader Lech Walesa, former U.S. poet laureate Kay Ryan and University of Miami president Donna Shalala, among others.

“The folks in charge like to mix in some serious folks, just in case some people in the audience don’t watch every dopey cable show that lasts a month.” said celebrity blogger Fred “Ginger “ Rogers.

“I mean, former congressman Tom Delay was popular on the show and later the charges were dropped. Just sayin’.”

Rating: 2.4/5 (144 votes cast)

The Chicken or The Egg?

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Aug. 29th, 2010

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These days, the chicken does not want anything to do with the egg.

With roughly 700 million eggs on a recall list, a spokesbird for the Association of Cooped Chickens (ACC) declined to answer the age-old question about the chicken or the egg. You know, which came first?

“I suggest you talk to the egg,” said E. Cluxley Barnyard, understanding that verbal communication with a hen egg through the 21-day incubation period would be difficult.

“We don’t view this as a chicken problem. This is an egg problem, my friend, and those little bags of albumen are going to have to own up to it. We did our job.”

Unconfirmed rumors circulating in Washington suggested that the chickens were attempting to hire the same K Street lobbyists employed by BP and Toyota. continued »

“Let’s just say we’re not going to put up with a lot of chicken poop on this one,” Barnyard said.

“ Life’s not easy in those chicken coops, what with the crowds and the noise and the artificial lighting. Taking the rap for salmonella is not on our dance card.”

Meanwhile, problems between the chicken and the egg have taken the philosophical community by surprise.

“Metaphysically, we’ve always had them closer than vodka and tonic,” said Dr. Karl Kabong, Professor of Circular Reasoning at Happy Valley University.

“We’ve been using the chicken-and-egg thing since forever to talk about, you know, what does it all mean? Now this. Plus, I just had breakfast and I’m not feeling too good.”

Rating: 2.4/5 (138 votes cast)

Real Housewives of Treetops

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Aug. 25th, 2010

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Not to be overshadowed by the big-haired housewives and chatty divorcees of New York, New Jersey, Orange County, CA., and Washington D.C., the women of Treetops are coming to you on a still-to-be-named cable network.

Look for “Real Housewives of Treetops” later this year, or maybe next year or the year after, on a station pretty far up the remote dial.

Take our own Clover “Pooki” Plover.

One of our town’s more glamorous denizens, “Pooki” is half-owner of the Christmas Shoppe out on Route 17 near the eBay drop-off outlet and the old Hardee’s.

“All your holiday decoration needs,” Pooki told us. “Your tree lights, your Santas, your Mylar balloons. We got it all.” continued »

Then there’s Pooki’s best friend, Charlotte Tanager. Her ex-husband owns the Spiffy Lube outlet near the exit ramp on the cutoff to the Interstate.

“We got just as much glamour here as you get in Orange County, I’ll tell you that,” Tanager chirped. “The locals are still talking about the Christmas in July party Pooki and I put on. Sure, Pooki lost her real estate license but all agreed the tequila theme was brilliant.”

And don’t forget former prom queen and onetime flight risk Nadia Nuthatch who recently wed our own Rusty Warbler and moved into the old Sapsucker mansion near the abandoned Sleepy’s discount mattress outlet.

“We don’t expect any more charges to be filed and we’re looking forward to starting production,” said Nadia, who always refers to herself in the third person.

Rating: 2.2/5 (129 votes cast)

Older Than Dirt - Brits Find Village

By Perfesser Cosmo Fishhawk,
Aug. 21st, 2010

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The Brits, who like nothing more than running around the countryside with big rubber boots and trowels, have turned up an 11,000 year old settlement in southeastern England.

The site is said to be 6000 years older than Stonehenge, the eerie stone monument and destination favored by aging hippies and fans of the Grateful Dead.

It’s so old that the dwellings were apparently built when England was still connected to France, which is a scary thought.

“Basically, this makes Stonehenge looks like a Home Depot out at the mall,” said blogger Trevor Whiskbroom.

“It’s old. I mean it’s older than the Rolling Stones, Margaret Thatcher and Englebert Humperdinck put together.” continued »

In their dig, archaeologists found evidence of domesticated dogs, deer and elk skulls and assorted debris.

”They believe they’ve also found what appears to the earliest known version of the Barcalounger,” said Whiskbroom.

“Apparently the men would sit in this contraption and drink some form of fermented beverage while watching their neighbors brain one another with big sticks.”

Whiskbroom said the diggers also found evidence of a path where women in the area took children, often several times a day, to a meadow to play a kicking game that involved a skull from another tribe.

“The thinking is they called themselves ‘Cave Moms,’” he said. “Apparently the children just ran off in all directions whenever someone gave the skull a kick. Then they all sat down for some water and some elk jerky, maybe.”

Rating: 2.5/5 (150 votes cast)

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