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Treetops Tattler Archives

Over Excited About the Weather

By Steve Daley, Washington Bureau Chief,
Aug. 29th, 2011

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Public health officials are increasingly concerned about the mental well being of television reporters who have spent the last week or so covering Hurricane Irene as it barreled along the East Coast.

”A lot of these people are clearly over excited about their computer models,” said TV psychologist Ivan Isobars.

“We like to call it ‘weather porn,’ if you know what I’m saying, and I think you do. They seem to like bad weather a little too much.”

Isobars is concerned that an adult would stand outside in the teeth of a Category One hurricane and scream into a microphone about the strong winds, rip tides and teeming rain while telling viewers to stay inside. continued »

As the hurricane moved north over the weekend, on-air weather mavens jumped quickly to discussions of “nightmare scenarios,” including the Godzilla-like destruction of Manhattan Island through the dreaded “storm surge.”

That didn’t happen, a development that seemed to disappoint some of the more rabid Weather Channelers.

Said Isobars: “I saw a woman on TV who said that power company officials were working 16 hours a day, around the clock. Well, which is it? There are still 24 hours in a day, even on cable TV.”

Some viewers told the Tattler that during the storm they had opted to watch a PBS special on skunks or aging actresses sell their jewelry.

Said viewer Kurt Flood: “Basically, I think that anyone on TV who uses and reuses phrases like ’hunker down’ and ‘dodged a bullet’ should be beaten senseless. Get inside!”

Rating: 2.6/5 (130 votes cast)

Beef Sundaes All Week Long

By Steve Daley, Washington Bureau Chief,
Aug. 20th, 2011

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The Iowa state fair is winding down and the Ames, Iowa Republican presidential straw poll is in the barn for another election cycle.

Presidential hijinks will continue in other states but if you missed getting your complimentary “beef sundae” at the fairgrounds, you may have to wait until 2015.

Time will tell if the Hawkeye State has revealed the GOP presidential nominee for next year. But if you were looking for a heart attack on a plate, well, you came to the right state fair.

A beef sundae, if you have been avoiding the network TV newscasts of late, is pretty much what it sounds like. A scoop or two of mashed potato is adorned with chunks of beef (hey, it’s Iowa) and swamped in beef gravy.

A cherry tomato sits atop the steaming concoction so it looks kind of like, well, you know. continued »

“There is no evidence the founding fathers and mothers enjoyed the beef sundae,” said presidential historian Harold Des Moines. “Especially since Iowa didn’t get into the Union until 1846. But it’s a proud tradition here, kind of like getting federal subsidies to grow corn.”

Iowa nutritionist Patty Arbuckle thinks the beef sundae gets too much national media attention.

“We’ve got your corn dogs, of course,”’ she said. “And fried Twinkies are a big hit with the younger set, although I think I saw Mitt Romney noshing on one over the weekend. And - my favorite - you can still get a cinnamon roll as big as your head.

Rating: 2.7/5 (121 votes cast)

See You in Court, Lindsay

By Steve Daley, Washington Bureau Chief,
Aug. 16th, 2011

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Leaders in the newspaper industry are expressing concern about a sudden lack of truly stupid and pointless news stories, many involving celebrities.

Horace Googly, executive director of the National Organization of Newspaper Editors (NONE), told the group’s annual meeting in Winnemucca, Nevada that modern newsgathering had reached a crisis point:

“We haven’t seen a good Lindsay Lohan courtroom story in months. And when was the last time we had a two- or three-day yarn about Paris Hilton getting married or divorced or falling down outside a nightclub? Ladies and gentlemen, these stories have been the backbone of our profession.”

Googly mourned the recent disappearance of babbling, fall-down actor Charlie Sheen and the failed presidential campaign of New Jersey annoyance Donald Trump. continued »

“Where the heck is Kirstie Alley?” Googly wondered aloud. “Has she lost any more weight? Or gained it all back? It doesn’t matter. As a professional celebrity she has a responsibility to say or do something stupid.”

Googly told the overflow crowd of journalists, many of whom were drinking heavily, that the demise of Oprah’s television show had damaged the national news cycle.

“You could always count on some halfwit actress bursting into tears over her divorce,” he said. “Or Oprah would suddenly recall some traumatic childhood incident of her own and that would keep us going.”

Googly dismissed the idea that the Great Recession had pushed celebrity journalism to the side.

“Nah,” he said. “Stupid doesn’t go away. We’ve learned that. I predict we’ll see Lindsay in court very soon.”

Rating: 2.5/5 (119 votes cast)

Buy Precious Metals

By Steve Daley, Washington Bureau Chief,
Aug. 11th, 2011

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Law enforcement officials tell the Tattler that longtime Treetops financial adviser Herbert Luver has locked himself inside his downtown office with a bottle of Irish whiskey, a travel magazine and a pocket calculator.

“He went in there about lunch time,” said his executive assistant, Maude Barker. “He was mumbling something about the stock market not being connected to the economy.”

Before locking the door, Luver left this message on this answering machine: continued »

“I tried to take this stuff seriously, went to school and everything. The stock market went down 400 points, then it went up 400 points, then it went down 500 points. I was telling my clients that if those pinheads in Washington made a deal on the debt ceiling, this wouldn’t happen. I might as well advise them to bet their life savings on jai alai games or pro wrestling.”

Maude Barker expressed concern that Luver might jump out his office window, as has happened in other celebrated stock market collapses.

But police sources note than his office is on the ground floor, so they are discounting that possibility.

“Herb likes to get in nine holes of golf on a nice day,” said one of his clients, watching his IRA dissolve over Wall Street. “I figure he’ll snap out of it around cocktail hour.”

Maude Barker was worried about Luver. But she said that after years of listening to her boss’s advice and diversifying her investment portfolio, she was putting her money in a big sack and moving to northern Wales.

Rating: 2.8/5 (122 votes cast)

College Daze in Treetops

By Steve Daley, Washington Bureau Chief,
Aug. 6th, 2011

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Once again, our ivy-covered College of Treetops (COT) has failed to make the Forbes magazine list of the 650 or so best colleges in the United States.

Assistant Dean for Global Communications Charles “Mister” Chips reacted quickly to the bad news: “Who reads that darn magazine anyway? I haven’t read a magazine in years and neither have you.”

Still, some of Treetops leading citizens were by upset by the slight, as were a few students slurping decaf lattes at Hill of Beans, a popular campus hangout.

“It’s pretty bogus, dude,” said Ashton, an Interdisciplinary Studies major. “That article as all graduation rates and teacher pay. What about relaxed and groovy?”

For the lunch crowd down at Roz’s, the grades were lower. continued »

“I never figured the place was Stanford or Princeton or North Carolina,” said Verne, a retired short-haul trucker. “But they got some schools on that list I never heard of. And we still ain’t on it. Where the heck is St. Olaf’s?”

School officials are considering the formation of a blue-ribbon Task Force to upgrade COT for the next Forbes listing.

“We’ll look at everything,” said Mr. Chips. “The co-ed dorms, the free parking, the online classes where you never have to get out of bed.

“We noticed a lot of schools on the list don’t have majors in bartender science or contemporary Christian music, so we’ll look into that.

The Task Force is expected to take up work as soon as the entire school returns from the beach at Panama City, Fla.

Rating: 2.5/5 (119 votes cast)

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